Polisi Recriwtio
Recruitment Policy
Name of Author Chief Executive Officer
Approved by Board of Directors
Approval dates April 2014 (version 1)
April 2016 (version 2)
October 2017 (version 3)
April 2020 (version 4)
June 2022 (version 5)
Review Date April 2024
Policy Applies to all Staff, Support Staff and Board Director recruitment and relevant voluntary / casual appointments
1. Policy Statement
1.1 Hockey Wales is committed to recruiting the best quality people and recognises this has a direct impact on the success of both Hockey Wales as an organisation and hockey as a sport. Hockey Wales is committed to ensuring that all relevant opportunities, paid or unpaid, are made available on a fair, consistent and equitable basis, conforming with all statutory regulations and agreed best practice.
2. Scope
2.1 This Policy applies to the following Hockey Wales positions / programmes:
2.1.1 Staff
2.1.2 Board of Director
2.1.3 Core programme of activity positions including performance pathway, senior performance, coaching, administration and workforce education
2.1.4 Voluntary positions of significance including working groups
3. Exclusions
3.1 There may be occasions where this policy shall not apply, for example, but not limited to, the recruitment of specialist contractors, independent consultants, staffing restructures where jobs are at risk and relevant skills matches are evidenced or where it is deemed appropriate to advertise internally, short term or immediate vacancies. This decision will be made by the CEO or where the position impacts on or conflicts with the CEO by the Chair of the Board.
4. Key Principles
4.1 Criteria - the criteria for selection should be based on the required skills, behaviours, values, knowledge, and competencies required for the role.
4.2 Authority for recruitment – all recruitments must be approved by the CEO, where necessary the Chair of the Board, or for programme activities or voluntary roles by members of the Executive team.
4.3 Record Keeping and Management – A record of the full process of recruitment and selection should always be made and kept meticulously. It is the responsibility of the Recruiting Managers to ensure that records are kept, this includes notes of meetings, emails, telephone calls, copies of correspondence etc. These should include the names of those involved, dates, action taken and follow-up. All sensitive information should be treated confidentially and meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
4.4 Confidentiality – Throughout any proceedings under this policy, Hockey Wales will seek to ensure that confidentiality is maintained. However, this will not preclude Hockey Wales from disclosing information where necessary for the discharge of duties or as required by law, nor will this preclude Hockey Wales, where appropriate, from disclosing information about any outcome under this policy.
4.5 Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (DBS) – The Police Act 1997 provides a statutory basis for certain criminal record disclosures which may be used by employers according to the nature of the role. The requirement for a DBS check will be determined on a role-by-role basis. Failure or refusal to provide a DBS check may result in the individual not being appointed.
4.6 Permission to work in the UK – It is essential that a Recruiting Manager is fully aware of the legal obligations of the organisation when employing non-European Economic Area (EEA) nationals. All appointed persons must have permission to work in the UK.
4.7 Recruitment Monitoring – In order that the effectiveness of the recruitment policy can be monitored, applicants are asked to provide information for monitoring purposes. The information will not be used as selection criteria, but it will provide information which is needed for monitoring and will not be made available to those selecting candidates to attend for interview.
4.8 References – satisfactory references are a core requirement of any appointment.
4.9 Equality Monitoring – to effectively recruit a balanced, as well as skilled, staffing team and board each potential staff member and board member will be asked to complete an equality monitoring form, the details of this will be kept anonymous.
5. Roles and Responsibilities
5.1 The CEO will act as the HR lead officer with overall responsibility. The Recruiting Manager will be responsible for developing relevant documents, seeking relevant authorisation and for the logistical aspects of the process. In the instance where the CEO is being recruited or has a conflict for any reason, the Chair of the Board or approved other will become the accountable officer.
6. Advertisements and publishing the vacancy
6.1 All staffing jobs will be advertised internally and, in most cases, externally at the same time. On some occasions it may be appropriate to advertise posts on an internal basis only.
This may be to encourage development opportunities and recognise and reward the skills of staff within the organisation
This may also be required where there is the need to apply redeployment principles due to restructuring and where skills are available within the existing workforce
On other occasions it may be considered necessary to advertise a vacancy both internally and externally concurrently.
This may be required in order to widen the pool of potential candidates or where the skills required are not considered to be reflected within the current workforce. Internal candidates will still be eligible to apply for these vacancies but will compete with external candidates
6.2 All Board positions will be openly advertised, either on a rolling basis or fixed period of advertisement, unless there is a short-term appointment required or a highly specialist skill. In this context, the required individual may be head hunted and appointed for the relevant period of time.
6.3 All other roles will be openly advertised either on a rolling basis or fixed period of advertisement.
6.4 Alternative formats of all relevant recruitment documents will be made available upon request.
7. Diversity
Our policies and procedures around recruitment and selection ensure that no job applicant receives unlawful less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, colour, disability, ethnic minority, parental or marital status, nationality, religious belief, social status and sexual preference.
There may be occasions where it is appropriate to take positive action or introduce special measures to reach groups which are currently under-represented in any aspect of the work done by Hockey Wales. Positive action is not the same as positive discrimination, which can be regarded as preferential treatment of a member of a minority group and is not permitted by law.
For roles where an application form is the primary method of applying, steps will be taken to anonymise the forms, ahead of short-listing to provide equality of opportunity. Where a CV or LinkedIn profile is used as the primary method of recruitment (i.e for board members) steps will be taken to minimise the risk of unconscious bias in the process (I.e unconscious bias training; clear competency frameworks etc). 
7.1 As a minimum all vacancies will be advertised and shared with the following organisations.
Disability Sport Wales
Street Games
Sport Wales
Race Equality First
Stonewall Cymru
Women’s Equality Network Wales
Chwarae Teg
Diverse Cymru
This list is not exhaustive, and can/will be updated when necessary
8. Shortlisting
8.1 The Recruiting Manager will lead the shortlisting process ensuring the job/role criteria are adhered to and used as the primary basis for selection/shortlisting. Those involved in the interview panel will normally constitute the shortlisting panel.
8.2 CVs will not be accepted on their own, the specified application process must be followed. Application forms or application instructions must be fully followed including the declaration of any criminal records or impending proceedings.
8.3 Any special requirements should also be outlined in respect of individual requirements which will be duly supported by the organisation.
8.4 All shortlisting will take place on merit using the evidence provided against the job/role criteria.
9. Selection Methods / Interviews
9.1 The interview format will be agreed between the Recruiting Manager and the CEO. All interviews will be conducted by a panel of at least two people but preferably by a panel of an uneven number. The gender balance and profile of the selection panel will be considered when appointing the panel.
9.2 Varying methods of selection may be used depending on the role and may include, but not be limited to, competency testing, technical tests, psychometric tests, role plays, overnight stays, panel interviews and relevant presentations.
9.3 Travel costs are not generally provided for any role, employed or other.
10. Offer of Employment
10.1 Feedback to unsuccessful candidates on their application and interview will only be provided on request to those short listed for interview. we are unable to provide specific feedback to candidates who were unsuccessful at the shortlisting stage.
11. Appointments
11.1 All appointments will be made strictly on merit.
12. Relevant Checks
12.1 All appointments will be made conditional upon satisfactory results from the following:
2 satisfactory references (references will only be sought after an appointment offer has been accepted)
Confirmation of the right to work in this country
Satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosure (if relevant)
Medical checks (if relevant)
Declared conflicts (if relevant)
13. Probationary Period
13.1 All appointments will be made subject to a probationary period of six calendar months. The probationary period can be extended should the Line Manager consider this appropriate
13.2 Other roles may be subject to probationary periods and if so, will be advised during appointment.
14. Recruitment Monitoring
14.1 Hockey Wales seeks to recruit individuals based on their ability and the requirements of the role. Hockey Wales will ensure that no individual receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, caring responsibilities or hours of work.
14.2 All individuals are asked to complete an equality monitoring form which will be anonymous and only used for statistical analysis purposes to assist future recruitment.
15. Outcome and Making an Offer
15.1 The Recruiting Manager will inform the successful candidate verbally and confirm offer details. Once the individual has verbally accepted, the Recruiting Manager will ask the CEO to authorise a formal offer letter.
15.2 The unsuccessful candidates will also be informed of the outcome.
16. Exit Interviews
16.1 All employed staff are asked to complete a voluntary exit interview with their Line Manager prior to leaving the organisation.
16.2 All other individuals are also asked to complete an exit discussion prior to leaving their role.
16.3 The purpose of exit interviews is to assist the organisation in making recommendations for change including any improvements, but all information will be dealt with sensitively and confidentially. Exit interview information will only be shared, where relevant, with the CEO or Programme Manager who in most cases will be the same individual conducting the exit interview/discussion.
17. Documentation Storage
17.1 Documents for successful candidates will be added to their personnel file upon commencement of employment. All other documentation relating to the vacancy will be kept for a maximum period of 12 months.